Monday, December 26, 2011

Some of the AMAZING class of '78 women who have contributed are listed here . . .

Diana, Stephanie, Valerie, Patricia, Paula, Anne, Celestia, Diane, Kathy, Marguerite, Celia, Donna, Jamie, Julie, Kerry, Leslie, Sarah, Barbara, Therese, Deborah, Elizabeth, Joan, Laurie, Lynda , Nancy, Susan, Susan, Barbara, Kathryn, Robin, Dorothy, Maggie, Mary Louise, Wendy, Chandler, Emily, Madeline, Marcia,Robin, Caroline, Debra, Mary, Lynn, Carolyn Sandra, Beth, Pamela, Priscilla, Terri, Jean, Mary Linda, Nina, Ruth, Karen, Elizabeth, Caroline, Tanya, Joy, Carolyn, Barbara, Jennifer, Annie, Kathryn, Jenny, Claire, Liz and Susan . . .

Want to add your name to the list? Please join your classmates in contributing to fulfilling the potential of women to change the world! Join the 70 classmates who have donated (by first name only) who have contributed to The Smith College Class of 1978 “Fulfill the Potential” Endowed Scholarship: Here's the link:

Don't see your name, or don't see a classmate's name and want to ask her to contribute with you? Contact me, and I will send you her email. Here's the link to email me:

Please remember to pull down the "Reason" and mark "Class of 1978 Fulfill the Potential".
And Thank You!