Huong Giang 2013 Vietnam (See Rally Day Picture!)
Huong heard about Smith College from Smith College Alums who were Vietnamese. She noticed that Smith alumnae were outstanding among all of the other young women that she knew at home. She was really attracted by the idea that a college like Smith could be so empowering for women.
Back in Viet Nam, gender inequality is still very common, and so, for Huong, coming to Smith meant feeling much more empowered. She is very grateful that she has opportunities at Smith to grow and learn. She will graduate this May, as a Math major.
Huong is passionate about going back to her own country to empower other young women the way that Smith women have empowered her. She feels that one way that she can give back is to educate women. She is particularly interested in microfinance. She plans to work on getting the right credentials to do that before she goes back to Viet Nam.
She arrived at Smith from a special high school for gifted students in Viet Nam, where her mother was a math teacher. Very early on, she benefited from training in chemistry and computers. Smith gave her the confidence to still learn even after she leaves school. She is sure that Smith gave her the skills to tackle anything in the future.
In the picture (of Rally Day!) below, Huong is on the left. Come celebrate her graduation with her in May!